


The following information will help you understand the fundamentals of harnessing sunlight for sustainable energy. 您将在阳光之州了解太阳能的利弊, 太阳能电池板的工作原理, 潜在的节省, 以及太阳能是否适合你.

And remember, if rooftop solar is not an option for you, consider 坦帕电’s 太阳选择 社区太阳能. It’s an easy way to go solar without upfront costs and the hassle of installing solar panels.


Generating solar energy at home is a great way to offset your electric bill while supporting clean energy. 但, 像大多数能源决策一样, it comes with both advantages and disadvantages that are important to consider:



  1. 太阳能的碳足迹较低: because solar doesn’t directly release carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gasses, 这是降低家庭碳足迹的好方法.
  2. 太阳能抵消了电力成本: making it possible for homeowners across West Central Florida to typically save $35,000-$45,超过25年.
  3. 太阳能提高房屋价值: 太阳能可以安装在现有的屋顶上 研究显示 太阳能装置平均使房屋价值增加4%.
  4. 佛罗里达的太阳能产量很高: 佛罗里达有很多天阳光直射, solar panels will work close to their maximum capacity unless shaded by trees or nearby buildings.
  5. 太阳能系统几乎不需要维护: solar panels have no moving parts, meaning they generally require little maintenance.


  1. 太阳能并不适用于一些屋顶: 这取决于你屋顶的年龄, 材料, 大小, 阴影, 倾斜, 和方向, 屋顶太阳能可能不适合你的家. 如果你有很多院子或者住在一个移动的房子里, 你可以考虑地面安装系统. 如果这些选择都不适合你,考虑一下澳门线上真人博彩官网公司 太阳选择 社区太阳能 程序 that lets you power your home with locally generated solar power.
  2. 太阳能的前期成本可能很高: Adding solar can increase your homeowner’s insurance premium and you may be required to increase your liability coverage. 在你决定购买太阳能之前,先咨询一下你的保险公司. 有许多可供选择的融资方式,包括 联邦税收抵免. 一定要利用这一点 太阳能电池板计算器 快速估计你的太阳能潜力.
  3. 一般来说,屋顶太阳能只对房主开放: 大多数房东不会让你安装太阳能系统. You may also face difficulty if you’re part of an HOA that has related restrictions.
  4. 太阳能电池板在夜间或电网瘫痪时无法工作。 并网太阳能系统被设计为在电网停电时关闭. This is a safety requirement that prevents your system from back-feeding electricity onto the grid and electrocuting line workers. It's important to understand that installing a rooftop solar system doesn't guarantee that you will have power during a grid outage. 然而, 如果你把太阳能系统和电池存储系统结合起来, you can isolate your solar and battery storage from the grid and power your essential home needs. 
  5. 找一个太阳能安装工可能很困难: solar is a big investment, so it’s important to do your research before making a decision. 当你购物的时候 EnergySage市场, 您将收到自定义报价从审查, 信誉良好的安装程序,以便您可以做出明智的决定.

了解更多有关 太阳能的利弊.



The process of turning sunlight into electricity requires more than just panels and the sun. 太阳能电池板, 逆变器, and your home’s electrical panel work together to harness the sun’s energy and deliver usable electricity. 方法如下: 


太阳能发电的过程从太阳能电池开始, 单个部件组成一个更大的太阳能电池板. 太阳能电池通常由硅元素制成. Silicon is a nonmetal semiconductor that can absorb and convert sunlight into electricity. When particles of sunlight (also known as photons) hit solar cells, they set electrons into motion. 太阳能电池板 capture this flow of electrons and convert it to an electrical current. 


太阳能电池板最初产生直流电, 哪一种通常与家用电器不兼容. 为了创造可用的能量, 太阳能逆变器 将太阳能板上的直流电转换成可用的(交流电).


最后, 逆变器将交流电传输到你家的电板上, 然后把它分配到你家里所有的电源插座上. 


大多数家用太阳能电池板系统都与电网相连, allowing you to pull from the grid when your solar panels aren’t producing enough power to meet your energy demands and send excess energy to the grid when your panels produce more power than you need. 

作为一个坦帕电力互联 净计量 客户, any solar credits received throughout the calendar year will be rolled onto your next month's billing statement. 如果在12个月的期限结束时,你还有多余的太阳能积分, 这笔美元贷记将记入你二月份的账单.

了解更多关于 太阳能电池板的工作原理.

太阳能电池板系统具有巨大的经济效益和环境效益, 但有些特性比其他特性更适合太阳能. In general, there are a few factors that influence whether yours is a good fit for rooftop solar:


租房者通常不能在家里安装太阳能电池板. 如果你租的话, 面临业主协会(HOA)的限制, 或者你的家无法容纳现场安装的太阳能电池板, 你仍然可以通过澳门网上真人赌博官网购买太阳能 太阳选择 程序. 


你屋顶的年龄, 材料, 空间, 阴影, 倾斜, 朝向都会影响你的屋顶是否适合太阳能.

  • 年龄你的屋顶应该能支撑太阳能电池板25-30年.
  • 材料石板和木头很难安装太阳能板.
  • 空间:大而开阔的屋顶空间是太阳能电池板系统的理想选择.
  • 阴影如果你的家经常是阴凉处,你可能不适合使用太阳能.
  • 倾斜:最佳太阳能生产角度在30 - 45度之间.
  • 取向:朝南的太阳能电池板系统接收到最多的阳光.


安装家用太阳能电池板系统是一项投资, 但财政激励可以大幅削减前期成本. 幸运的是,你也许能够利用 联邦太阳能税收抵免 降低30%的成本.

Your solar investment should save you more money over its lifetime than it costs you to install. The more expensive your electric bills are, the more you can save by going solar. 典型的毛价是13.8 kilowatt (kW) solar panel system in the West Central Florida area is around $35,277. Your return on investment depends on how you decide to finance and the structure in conditions of your agreement, 但你可能会在8年内收回投资.5年,然后在25年内节省大约35,000- 45,000美元.

看看你是否可以通过尝试来节省太阳能 EnergySage的太阳能计算器.

充足的阳光使佛罗里达成为天然的太阳能友好州, but factors such as the amount of energy you consume and the 大小 of your solar panel system impact how much you’ll save with solar panels.


Typical West Central Florida area homes considering solar spend an average of $3,每年210美元的电费. By installing a solar panel system covering 80 percent of the average home’s electricity consumption, 普通家庭每月的账单可以减少到53美元. Depending on how you finance your system you may also still have to make monthly loan payments so it's important to consider your savings over the lifetime of your system.


Solar panel systems usually continue to generate electric bill savings for up to 30 years. 在计算了太阳能的成本之后, 联邦太阳能税收抵免, 和通货膨胀, 坦帕地区的居民通常可以节省35美元,000-$45,在25年的时间里,有1万3千.8kw系统. 最终, the value of your solar panel system investment depends on the conditions of your property, 系统的大小, 联邦和州的政策变化, 用电量, 您如何为您的系统付费, 还有其他变量. 


太阳能电池板提供了经济和 环境效益. 可再生,无排放的电力来自典型的13.8千瓦太阳能电池板系统可以减少15.5 metric tons of carbon emissions per year, the equivalent of planting 713 trees.

获取详细信息 储蓄估计 为了你的家.

访问 去太阳 to learn about the cost of a solar panel system, how to choose the right solar panels and more.



The EnergySage calculator can estimate your solar potential and savings by address. Estimates are based on your roof, electricity bill and actual offers in your area.



当你在EnergySage市场购物时, 您将收到自定义报价从审查, 信誉良好的安装程序,以便您可以做出明智的决定. 电子邮件要求.



如果屋顶太阳能对你来说不是可行的选择, consider 坦帕电’s 太阳选择 社区太阳能 程序 that lets you power your home with locally generated solar power.


EnergySage is a third-party online resource that helps educate consumers about renewable energy solutions. It offers online offers for rooftop solar and/or battery installations from EnergySage-qualified solar installers and financing companies.

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